Our proofreading service is a comprehensive check of your document in British or American Standard English of spelling, grammar, sentence contextualization (syntax) and repetitive wording. We will also improve the flow of the writing, if necessary, to ensure it reads as though written by a native speaker and check that any use of English idioms is correct.
The track changes facility on Microsoft Word will be used so that you can accept or reject the changes made as you see fit. The comments facility will be used where the proofreader wishes to bring an issue to your notice, for instance, if a sentence is incomprehensible or if the proofreader wishes to comment on or suggest appropriate amendments to the language, you will be notified.
In summary, the service includes the following:
• Checking for and changing incorrect spelling,
• Checking for and changing incorrect grammar,
• Checking for and changing inconsistencies in terminology, referencing and style (i.e., usage of capitals in titles, font size and colour, etc.),
• Checking the syntax of the text and altering if necessary to ensure the text flows as though written by a native English speaker,
• Checking for and changing repetitive wording,
• Checking for and changing incorrect usage of English language idioms,
• If possible, checking for and changing incorrect usage of terminology (although English Proofread cannot be responsible for any academic inaccuracy by the author),
• The comments facility will be used where the proofreader wishes to bring any issue to the author’s notice. For instance, if a sentence is incomprehensible or if the proofreader wishes to comment on or suggest appropriate amendments to the language, the author will be notified (please note that once the proofread document is returned to you, if the revised document or any revised part of the document needs to be proofread again, the fee rate will become payable under the same terms as set out in the Terms of Service).
• The ‘track changes’ facility on Microsoft Word will be used and therefore, after proofreading, you will have the option to accept or reject the changes as you see fit.
Please note: as a company offering proofreading services, it is imperative that we retain the integrity and meaning of the original copy sent to us and as such our proofreaders are specifically instructed not to arbitrarily edit or paraphrase the copy sent to them for proofreading. All authors are responsible for ensuring they do not infringe copyright or plagiarism regulations.